wikipedia articles incorporating text from the biographical directory of federal judges artinya
- wikipedia articles incorporating text from the biographical directory of federal judges
- wikipedia: yaajushi|subpage; sekilas wikipedia; wikipedia;
- articles: rencana; artikel; celana pendek; celana sebatas
- incorporating: menemani
- text: teks; bab; mengirim pesan singkat; pesan pendek;
- from: dari; semenjak; karena; daripada; sejak; tentang;
- from the: dari
- biographical: biografis; mengenai riwayat hidup
- directory: daftar nama dan alamat menurut susunan;
- federal: bkn dgn persekutuan; pemerintah pusat; federal;
- judges: hakim; hakim-hakim; kitab hakim-hakim
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